Our Story

How Anden Ministries Was Born

In the journey of life, some paths are unexpected, and for our founder, Paul McKee, the twists and turns led him to a profound calling. From the early days of high school, Paul felt a compelling calling to ministry, a calling that would shape his life in ways he could never have anticipated.

Paul became an Ordained Elder in the Church of the Nazarene, dedicating many years to serving his community through both the spiritual and the secular. As a Police Officer, he found himself at the intersection of duty and faith, navigating the challenges of two demanding vocations.

However, life took an unexpected turn when Paul faced a near-death experience during his service as a Police Officer. The weight of this encounter led him down a difficult path, and began an affair. Wrestling with the consequences of his actions, Paul spent several years trying to grapple with the sin on his own.

In a pivotal moment of realization and clarity, Paul decided to confront the turmoil within and reached out to the District Superintendent, making the difficult decision to surrender his credentials. The road to restoration proved to be challenging, marked by struggles and a lack of clear direction from the Church. Yet, amidst the darkness, Paul felt a different calling from God—a calling to a new direction.  He spent several years studying several modalities, diving deeper into the Word of God, and allowed himself to be coached and mentored by a few men of God.

This redirection urged Paul to extend his hand to fellow pastors who have fallen in ministry or are struggling with burnout, depression, and similar challenges. He felt compelled to help them experience a mental and emotional resurgence, providing support and guidance on their journey to healing.

Our story is one of redemption, resilience, and a commitment to helping those who face the storms of ministry. Paul McKee’s personal journey has become the foundation of our mission—to reach out to pastors in need, offering a path to renewal and restoration. Through God’s grace, we have found purpose in extending compassion and understanding to those navigating the complexities of faith, service, and personal struggles.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower Christian leaders, especially pastors, on their journey of resilience. We recognize the silent challenges of burnout and moral hazards that leaders may face. Through effective coaching, we offer support, helping leaders overcome isolation, navigate pitfalls, and find restoration when needed. Grounded in the unwavering truth that the call to ministry is from God, and the gifts of God and His call are irrevocable (Romans 11:29).

We provide a guided path for leaders to more effectively shepherd their flock with strength, wisdom, and sustained resilience while following the leading of the Holy Spirit.  

The Mission We Are On

At our heart, we are dedicated to supporting and uplifting pastors who navigate the challenging journey of ministry. Recognizing the unique pressures and challenges that pastors face, we offer compassionate one-on-one and group coaching services to both Current and Fallen Pastors, with a primary focus on their mental and emotional well-being.

At Anden Ministries, we firmly believe what the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 11:29. The gifts of God and His call are irrevocable, and our purpose is to walk alongside pastors, offering you the support and resources you need to thrive in your call. By addressing the mental and emotional aspects of your life and ministry, we aim to prevent burnout, alleviate isolation, and ultimately contribute to the well-being of the entire pastoral community (including you).

Join us on this transformative journey as we empower pastors to continue fulfilling their God-given purpose with strength, resilience, and unwavering faith.

What Anden Ministries is NOT…
At Anden Ministries, we steer clear of the old-school ‘turn or burn’ mentality and the superficial ‘just think positive’ approach. Instead, we anchor ourselves in the profound forgiveness offered by Jesus Christ, embracing His grace and mercy. Our mission goes beyond mere evangelism; we are committed to staying with individuals on their journey. We bring practical tools and techniques that enable pastors to elevate their emotional, mental, and spiritual intelligence.

We are about fostering genuine transformation through the power of Christ’s forgiveness and providing tangible support for you and other pastors to thrive in your calling.