Anden Ministries, AMINwithPaul,Fundraise,Fallen Pastor, Coaching, Shepherd, Restoration, Irrevocable

Pastors at Risk: Mary’s Hope

But even the brightest flames can flicker. Shepherds, burdened by pressures, isolation, or personal struggles, can feel lost.

Imagine a church, a vibrant tapestry woven with stories of missionaries, pastors, and mentors. WestSide Church was home to many who had retired from faithfully serving and had become members of the congregation.  They were far from finished with their service to God and His Kingdom.  So many young hearts blossom with dreams of serving God, nurtured by a legacy of the church and these elders sending new leaders into the world.

Perhaps you recall such a place where whispers of faith ignited a spark within you are you encouraged those sensing that call as you send out the next generation of Shepherds, guiding them towards their own calling.

Now, if you will, imagine Mary, a young teenager at WestSide Church. Drawn to the stories of missionaries and pastors, she felt a stirring within her – a call to serve God. Fortunately, WestSide wasn’t just a church building; it was a breeding ground for leaders. Seasoned elders, their hearts overflowing with wisdom and experience, recognized Mary’s spark. They became her mentors, patiently nurturing her faith and guiding her towards her calling.

Years of dedicated mentorship led Mary to Bible college, where she not only deepened her faith but also met the love of her life, Roy. Together, they embarked on a remarkable journey as missionaries, their passion burning brightly even in tough times. They poured their hearts into serving communities, sharing the love of Christ with hundreds of individuals.

But their impact wasn’t confined to those they worked with directly. Mary and Roy had a unique gift – the ability to ignite the spark of ministry in others. Countless individuals they encountered felt their own call to serve, their hearts resonating with the message of faith in Jesus. This ripple effect (do I really need to mention the pebble tossed into the pond?), spread outwards, touching thousands (if not more) of lives. These individuals, inspired by Mary and Roy’s dedication, went on to become pastors, missionaries, and leaders in their own right, carrying the torch of faith forward.  I do not know of a way to measure the number added to the Kingdom because of their faithfulness.

As fun as it would be to keep this loop open and keep you on the edge of your seat…

Years later (40 plus years), Mary and Roy retired and returned to WestSide. We can only imagine the extent of which their hearts were enriched by their experiences, their ministry.  It was a testament to the power of their service and mentorship and their faithfulness to Jesus.

Mary and Roy saw the same spark of a call within me that they once had in themselves over 40 years before. Long before I even realized it myself, they saw a shepherd waiting to be nurtured. Their gentle whispers of encouragement, their unwavering belief in my potential, became the fuel for my own calling. Frankly, it was scary to me but the call was confirmed by several others within the congregation at WestSide.

But even the brightest flames can flicker. Shepherds, burdened by pressures, isolation, or personal struggles, can feel lost. The impact? Devastating, not just for individuals, but for communities and the entire faith community.

Shifted Call, Found Purpose: Releasing Resistance
But unlike Mary’s journey, my path was initially paved with resistance. I was like Jonah, running from the call, convinced God had chosen the wrong Paul. While working as a Police Officer, I had a near-death experience.  It was pretty bad and I plunged into depression and isolation.  I was also a Pastor, trying to figure it all out on my own.  What  followed was a descent into sin that threatened to consume me.

I reached the point where all hope seemed lost…really lost, I found myself in a conversation with Mary, who, with raw honesty, shared how she and Roy (who had passed a few years prior) had their own struggles. Yet, unlike me, they had sought out and found support within a community of faith, emerging stronger.

I remember saying, “Mary, I truly thought you both were perfect.  Free from any sin.”  

Mary chuckled and said, “Paul, nobody has that.  Everyone struggles with something.  The difference is how we handle it and who we turn to.”

Mary’s words were a lifeline. She reminded me of Romans 11:29, that God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. She told me that my calling has been adjusted,  She said, maybe this was the purpose all along.  Your calling might just be to warn Pastors of the dangers of isolation and equip those shepherds to restore those who stray or fall as you do the same.  

Then she asked, “are you familiar with Galatians 6?”

And so, here I am, leading Anden Ministries, driven by my own experience, a very clear call from God, and the many stories of shepherds facing similar challenges. My goal is to equip them and you with the support, coaching, training, and community they need to avoid burnout, prevent moral failure, and ultimately, restore lost sheep back to the flock (Jesus had a parable about that).

We have a habit of turning our back on church leaders who fall.  Yet, 2 Peter 3:9 tells us “It is God’s will that none should perish and all should come to repentance.” I believe that extends to those who have fallen away as well. 

Why Anden Ministries: Elevate, Restore, Thrive
Anden Ministries exists to uphold this divine call. We believe every shepherd matters, and by equipping them with support, coaching, and community, we prevent countless tragedies.

Unlike many in power, we take a proactive approach. Our goal is to equip current pastors with the skills to recognize warning signs in themselves and the ministers around them, preventing burnout and falls before they happen. This proactive model, in many ways inspired by the Apostle Paul’s call in Galatians 6:1 to “restore gently and be on guard to avoid temptation,” protects shepherds, their flocks, and strengthens the entire faith community.

But what about those already struggling? Anden Ministries becomes their lifeline. We offer compassionate support, personalized coaching, and a safe space for healing and rediscovering their purpose. Whether they need restoration or preventative care, we walk alongside them on the journey back to serving God and their communities.

The impact of a sending church like WestSide is immeasurable. Countless lives touched, communities transformed – it’s a ripple effect that transcends numbers. Anden Ministries carries this torch, ensuring the legacy of strong leadership lives on through future generations. You can join us and the ask is coming.

I am so thankful for Mary and Roy (so blessed to have known them both) and their faithfulness to God and the many lives they impacted.  And for every one of those success stories, think about the opposite ripple effect of a Pastor leaving the ministry from burnout, being forced out, moral failure, and other reasons.  How many lives can we save from this destruction?

Invest in the Ripple: Help Shepherds Thrive
Imagine the impact: empowered shepherds, strengthened communities, and a ripple effect of hope spreading far beyond what’s possible today. That’s the vision we believe in, and you can be a part of making it a reality.

With your support, we can launch our training and coaching courses, which eventually will help us become a self-sustaining ministry for shepherds in need. Our initial goal of $25,000 lays the foundation for this dream. But wouldn’t it be amazing to accelerate that impact?

A Bigger Ripple
Reaching our stretch goal of $147,000 empowers Anden Ministries to put the necessary people and resources in place, allowing us to scale our impact significantly faster. Within 6 months to a year, we could reach even more shepherds with the support they desperately need.

This isn’t just about funding a program; it’s about investing in a future where hope thrives. Imagine the difference you could make in countless lives!

This is a one-time campaign with a lasting impact. Choose to be a part of something truly transformative. Donate today and help us unlock the full potential of our mission.

Every gift, regardless of size, carries immense value. Unlike campaigns relying on matching donors, we rely solely on God’s provision and your compassionate giving. Your contribution directly equips a shepherd, safeguarding countless mental, emotional, and spiritual lives and upholding the call of God on us all.

To give, you can visit our GiveButter fundraising campaign at:

or text “ANDEN” to 53-555 (you will receive a link to make a secure payment)

or send a Check to:
Anden Ministries c/o Paul McKee
949 Kaipii St
Kailua, Hawaii 96734

Every Action Makes a Ripple:

We understand that taking action might not feel immediate, but every step, big or small, creates a ripple effect of hope. If you’re feeling called to support our mission, we welcome you to pray about it. When God moves you to give, know that your contribution, big or small, fuels our impact.

But even beyond financial support, every action fuels our mission’s flame. Whether you choose to grab some of our branded merch to wear your support proudly, follow us on social media for regular updates, or simply keep us in your prayers, you become part of the ripple.

Visit our website to explore our blog, find our merch store, and connect with us on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Every interaction matters, and we’re grateful for your support in any form it takes.

Together, let’s ensure no shepherd walks alone, they are equipped for the growing challenges of an ever deteriorating world, and that their light continues to shine, transforming lives for generations to come.

May God bless your generosity and compassion.

P.S. While we don’t have a matching donor yet, we know God works in mysterious ways. If you know someone who might be interested in partnering with us, please let us know!

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